I am:
Seeking a:
About Me:
Hot, fit and playful beauty, that will satisfy your craving for sweets
At the same time, I'm educated, and a classy companion should the occasion arise.
My best features is my blue eyes, soft skin and long legs.
The ideal arrangment for me would be to connect with someone who is reliable, caring and that will make each of our meetings worthwhile, someone who respect and values my time. I'd prefer to find something long term, maybe something that could turn in to something more serious.
I'm looking for someone who will treat me like a princess , take me out for shopping, nice places, interesting conversations and have a good time togetherI'm very sweet and caring but please respect that Im looking for an arrangment so dont expect me to meet up with you for nothing.
I appreciate that we are honest, and clear about about how we want our arrangement to play out on the initial contact. This way, it will save both of us time, avoiding endless messaging back and forth, allowing us to focus on what's important, which is finding an arrangement that will satisfy both of us.
And please I don’t have time for bs, double standard or people who don’t know how to behave. Don’t contact me if all you looking for is sex but at the same time saying you don’t looking for “working girls/escorts”.
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Ang. intressekontrollen i Skåne! Nej, du är helt ointressant. 3500 kr- vilken planet kommer du ifrån??
I dig the honesty!