About Me:
I'm a 26 year old girl living in Uppsala who started doing this cus rent and food prices aren't ever not going up *sigh*
I used to go to "kinkraves" some years ago but due to some incidents I prefer to keep my sexual endevours very safe and secluded.
I will offer platonic counceling, a shoulder to cry on (but NOT more than what just friends would do) for 15€/30m
After I masturbate I put my drenched underwear in a tightly sealed plastic bag to keep the odor. I will sell these for 20€/pair, if you have any specific request about the underwear etc. we can negotiate a higher price.
The images I take are mostly erotic in my panties without any top. I sell these for 10€/piece, 50-100€/set (depending on set site). If you have any requests that are not too degrading etc we can probably figure something out for a higher price if you are not content with my juice sipping through my panties while i extrude my breasties. :*
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